The Judy Wilkinson Award was instituted in 1997 in memory of Parade Committee member, Judy Wilkinson, who passed away in 1996 after a seventeen year battle with cancer. Judy was the most generous person you could ever meet, often giving what a friend needs before that friend knows it’s a need. Judy usually worked behind the scenes on the operational items that contributed to the Parade’s success.
Mary Ellen has been an active Parade Committee member since 2009. She has always been willing to assume responsibility for different jobs, such as working on the Grand Marshal Dinner and the Political Breakfast. In 2017 she became Chairperson; a position she held for six years.
Her enthusiasm for the Parade is contagious. Currently, she manages Awards for the parade, as well as the Halloween Party Fundraiser. On Parade Day, she can be found at the tail end of Division 1, lining up marchers, cars, and floats.
The Parade Committee is proud to recognize Mary Ellen with this award.