This Award is named in memory of Virginia Boulay, a deceased charter member of the Parade Committee whose warmth and generosity truly personified the Irish greeting, “Caed Mile Failte”, or “One Hundred Thousand Welcomes”. Given to a St. Patrick’s Parade Committee member, the Virginia Boulay Award honors one who is always welcoming to others.
Sheila is proud to be Irish, and proud to be a member of the St. Patrick’s Parade Committee.
Sheila has worked tirelessly to support the parade operations, while attending all functions, fundraisers, and community activities. She is always willing to volunteer and work behind the scenes. She is on the ‘front lines’ of the Parade, as part of the Operations Team.
From volunteering to Judge the “Best in Parade,” to serving the young trick or treaters up on Vernon Hill, Sheila is the epitome of Irish spirt and selflessness.
She is a longtime resident of the city of Worcester; parishioner at Our Lady of the Angels and Catholic school graduate.